10 for $10

Join the Movement

Experience SALT yoga for just $10:

  • NO limit on the number of classes you experience in ten consecutive days
  • You pay only $10
  • Experience different teaching styles + a variety of class formats to find your fit
  • Oklahoma residents only please
  • New clients only


10 DAYS FOR $10

Try our yoga studio for ten consecutive days and pay only $10.  No strings attached.  Because we believe once you experience SALT Yoga you’ll want to come back and enjoy all the health benefits a consistent yoga practice can offer.


10 FOR $10


We believe yoga exercises your body and mind. We teach you how to intentionally slow down, relax and focus on the present moment, which is counterintuitive to our fast-paced lives. Our inclusive classes seek to challenge, strengthen, heal, restore + inspire.

What are Tulsans saying about SALT?

We value our clients and their feedback, which is why we encourage reviews. Our aim is to continuously improve our studio to meet the desires of our yoga family. Once you get salty with us, we think you’ll agree we have the best instructors in the business!


"I have been attending SALT studio since they opened. The community feel of the studio and the welcoming atmosphere make it my happy place. The instructors are all fantastic and each add a unique flair to the classes. The friends I have made there make SALT my extended family."

– Laura L.

"I love the community feel. The instructors are great. The experience is high quality and very consistent. The ability to use both locations is wonderful!"

– Sarah Y.

"I like the consistency in quality instructors and the yoga experience . The safe space created in the studio and the awesome yoga community at Salt offer a beautiful layer to Tulsa living! I can't live without my Salt practice!"

– Leslie L.